Embracing AI: Our Ally in the Battle Against Climate Change

As we navigate the turbulent waters of climate change, we’re not alone in the fight. It’s like having a trusty sidekick by our side—artificial intelligence (AI). In this blog post, let’s explore how this tech superhero is helping us build a greener, more resilient world. 

Understanding the Climate Challenge 

Picture this: soaring temperatures, fiercer storms, and rising seas. That’s the harsh reality of climate change. It’s not just about polar bears losing their homes; it’s about the very future of our planet and all who call it home. But fear not, because where there’s a challenge, there’s also opportunity. 

 AI: Our Co-pilot in the Climate Crisis 

 Enter AI—the Robin to our Batman in the battle against climate change. This nifty technology isn’t just sci-fi; it’s our secret weapon for a sustainable future. Here’s how it’s coming to our rescue: 

a) Climate Nostradamus: Predicting Tomorrow’s Weather 

Ever wished you could see into the future? Well, AI’s got the next best thing. By crunching mountains of climate data, AI can forecast weather patterns with uncanny accuracy. Think of it as a crystal ball that helps us brace for storms, floods, and other natural disasters, giving us time to prepare and stay safe. 

b) Smarter Living: Using Resources Wisely 

Imagine a world where energy and water are never wasted. AI is helping us get there by optimizing how we use resources. From smart grids that adjust power usage in real-time to algorithms that cut down on water waste, AI is like a thrifty housemate who knows how to make every drop count. 

 c) Tougher Than a Tornado: Building Resilient Communities 

When disaster strikes, every second counts. That’s where AI swoops in to save the day. By analyzing data from sensors and satellites, AI can spot trouble brewing long before it hits. It’s like having a superhero’s sixth sense, helping us evacuate in time and minimize damage when disaster strikes. 

d) Green Innovation: Paving the Way to Tomorrow 

But AI isn’t just about putting out fires—it’s also about sparking innovation. From solar panels that track the sun to self-driving cars that cut emissions, AI is driving the green revolution forward. It’s like having a genius inventor in our corner, dreaming up solutions to make our world cleaner and greener. 

Together Towards Tomorrow 

As we face the challenges of climate change, let’s remember: we’re not alone. With AI as our ally, we have the power to build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. So let’s roll up our sleeves, embrace innovation, and work together to create a world where nature and humanity thrive side by side. After all, with AI on our team, anything is possible. 


Deepthi Bennan                                                                      Marketing Manager – Cyber Waves BV

Unleashing Microsoft’s Copilot: Your Personal AI Assistant

In the bustling world of AI chatbots, ChatGPT isn’t the sole contender. Meet Microsoft’s Copilot (previously known as Bing Chat), a formidable rival that deserves your attention. If you haven’t explored it yet, now’s the perfect time. Nestled within the array of Microsoft tools, Copilot seamlessly integrates into your digital landscape, be it on your smartphone, tablet, or desktop, courtesy of a handy Copilot sidebar in Microsoft Edge. 

Much like its counterparts, Copilot is continually evolving, promising users a treasure trove of fresh capabilities. Today, we’ll take you on a guided tour, revealing where to find Copilot, how to get it, and how to harness its remarkable potential. 

Getting Your Hands on Microsoft Copilot 

Copilot is readily available to the public, and the best part? It won’t cost you a dime. However, you’ll need a Microsoft account, which you can swiftly create for free at account.microsoft.com. Plus, if you’re on Windows 11, rejoice! Copilot comes built-in. 

The free version allows you to pose web-searchable questions, with Copilot delivering insightful responses laden with footnotes for future reference. For more advanced features and integration with Microsoft 365 apps like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, you can opt for Microsoft Copilot Pro at $20 per month. 

For enterprise-grade perks such as Microsoft Teams compatibility, robust data protection, and tailored system configurations, consider the Copilot for Microsoft 365 plan at $30 per month. 

Navigating Microsoft Copilot on Mobile 

Accessing Copilot on your smartphone or tablet is a breeze. Simply download the official Microsoft Copilot app from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store. Additionally, you can tap into Copilot through the Microsoft Edge and Bing apps on both iOS and Android platforms. 

How Does Copilot Work? 

Just like ChatGPT, Copilot stands ready to field your queries and engage in natural, human-like conversation using its large language model prowess. 

Microsoft has been steadily rolling out new Copilot features, many of which are now accessible. Notably, the Edge Copilot feature steals the spotlight. The chat tab adopts a conversational tone, offering a plethora of suggested questions, informative links, and even follow-up queries, akin to a traditional search engine. 

Beyond chat, Copilot’s sidebar houses the Compose and Insights features. With Compose, you can craft text in various tones and formats, from professional emails to light-hearted blog posts. The Designer tool, formerly Bing Image Creator, adds another layer to the Copilot experience by empowering users to generate, edit, save, and share AI-generated images effortlessly. 

Is Microsoft Copilot the Same as ChatGPT? 

While Microsoft’s Bing chat is hailed as a next-generation OpenAI model, it’s more advanced than ChatGPT and tailored for integration with Bing search. Dubbed the Prometheus model, it boasts swifter performance and extends beyond the capabilities of GPT-3.5, delivering real-time, safe results for Bing users. 

While Copilot’s origins sparked rumors of GPT-4, Microsoft confirmed its integration with ChatGPT-4 following OpenAI’s announcement. 

Exploring Other AI Options 

While Microsoft’s Copilot shines, alternatives like Google’s Gemini and Jasper AI also vie for attention. Gemini, despite initial hiccups, has seen substantial improvements, while Jasper AI caters to business needs with its ChatGPT-like solution. 

In the end, the rise of AI-powered search heralds a transformative future. With Google’s impending entry into the fray, the stage is set for an exhilarating competition. 


Deepthi Bennan

Marketing Manager, Cyber Waves B.V

Mastering Email Recall in Outlook: A Guide for Windows and Mac Users

In today’s fast-paced work environment, the occasional slip-up in email communication is almost inevitable. However, Microsoft has anticipated this scenario with Outlook, offering users the ability to recall emails on both Windows and Mac platforms. While this feature might be a hidden gem for many, it’s a lifesaver when you need it most. 

If you’re new to email recall in Outlook, here’s a comprehensive guide on how to use this feature effectively. Keep in mind that email recall is exclusive to desktop clients and isn’t accessible via web-based platforms. Additionally, it requires both you and the recipient to use Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft 365 accounts within the same organization. 

Let’s dive into the process of recalling an email in Outlook. 

How to Recall an Email in Outlook 

To initiate the email recall process, you’ll need to access the desktop Outlook client. Follow these steps to recall your message effectively: 

  1. Navigate to Sent Items: Launch the Outlook client and select the “Home” tab. From there, click on “Sent items” to view your sent emails. 
  2. Locate the Email: Identify the email you wish to recall from the list of sent items, and double-click on it to open it in a new window.                             
  3. Access Recall Option: Ensure that the “Message” tab is selected within the email window. Depending on your Outlook version, you may find the “Recall this message” option directly on the toolbar or under the “Three dots” menu within the “Actions” dropdown.                                                   
  4. Choose Recall Options: Upon selecting the recall option, a pop-up window will appear to confirm the recalling, Click OK to proceed.                                        
  5. It’s essential to note that the success of email recall depends on various factors, including whether the recipient has opened the original message and their organizational setup within Microsoft services. In some cases, recipients may still be notified of the recall attempt, so it’s crucial to exercise caution when utilizing this feature. 

    Implementing Email Delay in Outlook 

    In addition to email recall, Outlook offers users the option to delay email delivery, providing a buffer for last-minute revisions or changes. Follow these steps to set up email delay in Outlook: 

    1. Access Rules & Alerts: Click on “File” in the upper-left corner of Outlook, then scroll down and select “Manage rules & alerts.” 
    2. Create a New Rule: In the “Rules and alerts” window, choose “New rule” to initiate the setup process. 
    3. Specify Rule Conditions: Opt for “Apply rule on messages I send” and proceed to the next step. 
    4. Set Delay Duration: Select “Defer delivery by a number of minutes” and specify your preferred delay duration. Click “OK” to confirm. 
    5. Finalize Rule Setup: Name your rule, enable it if necessary, and click “Finish” to complete the process.  

    Why Can’t I Recall a Message in Outlook? 

    Despite Outlook’s robust features, there are instances where email recall may not be feasible. Common reasons include: 

    1. Use of a non-desktop Outlook client. 
    2. Recipient has already accessed the email. 
    3. Recipient belongs to a different Microsoft organization.                                         

    It’s important to understand these limitations and exercise discretion when relying on email recall as a safety net. 

    Can you recall an email after an hour? Yes, you can attempt to recall an email within a certain timeframe, provided the recipient hasn’t opened it yet. However, prompt action is recommended for optimal results. 

    Does the recipient know if an email is recalled in Outlook? In some cases, Outlook may notify recipients of a recall attempt, depending on various factors. 

    What are the limitations of email recall in Outlook? Email recall may not work in certain scenarios, such as when messages are redirected to specific folders, sent to recipients using different email clients, or accessed by the recipient before recall. 

    In conclusion, mastering email recall in Outlook is a valuable skill for navigating the intricacies of modern communication. While it’s not a foolproof solution, it serves as a useful tool for mitigating potential errors. For further productivity enhancements in Outlook, explore advanced features and organizational strategies tailored to your workflow. 


Deepthi Bennan                                                                      Marketing Manager – Cyber Waves BV

Empowering Sustainability Progress with New Data and AI Solutions in Microsoft Cloud

In an era where global sustainability is paramount, organizations face the challenge of translating pledges into actionable progress. Despite the strategic importance placed on sustainability by 85% of executives, only a mere 16% have seamlessly integrated it into their business strategies. 

 Introducing a suite of new data and AI solutions within the Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability, aimed at providing organizations with the tools they need to expedite their sustainability journey. These solutions offer accelerated environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data analytics and insights, alongside an AI assistant designed to streamline decision-making and reporting processes. 

 Microsoft Fabric emerges as the central analytics platform for sustainability data. Launched in May 2023, Microsoft Fabric serves as an end-to-end SaaS platform, amalgamating an organization’s enterprise data, including previously inaccessible ESG data. Now in preview, sustainability data solutions within Microsoft Fabric offer organizations pre-built ESG data models, connectors, and reporting capabilities, facilitating faster insights and progress tracking. 

 Copilot and intelligent insights, now in preview within Microsoft Sustainability Manager, offer AI-driven assistance for enhanced decision-making. Leveraging generative AI and natural language queries, Copilot enables organizations to swiftly analyze environmental data, draft preparatory reports, and engage with sustainability data in a conversational manner. Intelligent insights further augment this by providing an integrated AI model for in-depth analysis of emissions data, aiding in identifying reduction opportunities and optimizing decisions based on historical trends and anomalies. 

 Moreover, the ESG value chain solution within Microsoft Sustainability Manager, now generally available, enables organizations to streamline data collection from suppliers and identify emissions reduction opportunities within their value chain. This solution proves vital, as supplier activities often contribute significantly to an organization’s emissions footprint. 

 Real-world examples showcase the efficacy of these solutions, such as Södra, Sweden’s largest forest-owner association, which has leveraged Microsoft Sustainability Manager to enhance reporting practices and streamline data collection processes. 

 Further emphasizing the transformative potential of sustainability initiatives, Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability facilitates partnerships and fosters innovation. Allegiant Stadium, home to the Las Vegas Raiders, stands as a testament to this, utilizing Microsoft solutions to achieve LEED Gold certification and operate entirely on renewable energy sources. 

 With an ecosystem of sustainability solution partners, including Avanade, Microsoft endeavors to address the multifaceted challenges of sustainability by harnessing the power of AI responsibly. By leveraging data and AI, organizations can not only drive efficiency and accuracy in decision-making but also uncover new avenues for business growth, propelling us towards a transformative future of sustainability. 

Get more information by mailing us at tech@cyberwaves.eu.


Deepthi Bennan

Marketing Manager, Cyberwaves B.V.

How to Generate Videos Using Artificial Intelligence from Text Alone

Pika, developed by Pika Labs, is an advanced artificial intelligence tool that seamlessly transforms text and images into captivating multi-second video clips. To get started with Pika, follow these steps: 

Sign Up for Pika 

Pika Labs no longer has a waiting list. Simply visit the Pika website and sign in using either your Google account or Discord account. While a Discord account provides access to the Pika Discord server with additional features, a Google account still grants full access to the online tool. 

How to Use Pika  

  1. Text-Based Generation:

   – Type your prompt into the text box on the main page. 

   – Press the Enter key to initiate the generation process. 

   – The selected prompt and options significantly influence the output, so experiment with different combinations. 

  1. Image or Video Input:

   – Click on the “Image” or “Video” button to attach media for additional context. 

   – This can enhance the AI’s understanding and creativity. 

  1. Wait for Generation:

   – The generation process may take a minute or two during peak times, so be patient and allow it to complete. 

Prompt Tips 

  1. Basic Prompt Structure:

   – Keep prompts simple and direct, including subject, shot type, scene description, and lighting effect. 

   – Choose a specific style like anime, cinematic, or pixel art. 

  1. Use Pre-Generated Images:

   – Utilize images generated in separate text-to-image tools like Midjourney or Dall-E as a base model for Pika. 

  1. Negative Prompts:

   – If unsatisfied with certain video outputs, employ negative prompts in the Parameters menu to specify undesired elements, such as “low resolution” or “blurry background.” 

Changing Aspect Ratio in Pika 

  1. Write or Upload Prompt:

   – Input or upload your prompt, but don’t submit it yet.   

  1. Adjust Video Options:

   – Click on the Video options icon (four disconnected corners of a square) before submitting. 

   – Select the desired aspect ratio (e.g., 16:9, 9:16, 1:1, 4:5). 

   – Optionally, adjust frames per second (fps). 

By following these steps, you can harness the power of Pika to create stunning and tailored video content. Experiment with prompts, input media, and customize aspect ratios to achieve the desired results. 

Navigating Tomorrow: How AI is Transforming the Job Landscape

To a journey into the future of work, a landscape shaped and reshaped by the ever-evolving force of Artificial Intelligence (AI). In this age of rapid technological advancement, our professional realms are undergoing a profound transformation. Let’s embark on a guided exploration into the heart of this paradigm shift, unveiling the intricate ways in which AI is redefining the job market. 

 Unveiling the Impact 

  1. Automation and Job Evolution

   As AI becomes more sophisticated, routine tasks are shifting into the hands of machines. But fear not, as this isn’t about job extinction; it’s about evolution. Routine, mundane tasks are making way for more creative, strategic, and uniquely human roles. 

  1. AI and Collaboration

   Imagine a workspace where humans and AI collaborate seamlessly. From data analysis to decision-making, AI is becoming a powerful ally, enhancing our capabilities and enabling us to tackle complex challenges with greater efficiency. 

The Shifting Skillset  

  1. Embracing Lifelong Learning

   With AI handling routine tasks, the demand for uniquely human skills is soaring. Creativity, emotional intelligence, and critical thinking are the new currency of the job market. Lifelong learning is not just a choice; it’s a necessity. 

  1. The Rise of Hybrid Jobs

   The future isn’t about man versus machine; it’s about man working with machine. Hybrid jobs, blending technical and soft skills, are emerging. AI specialists who understand human behavior, and marketers who comprehend algorithms, are becoming the architects of success.  

Challenges and Opportunities 

  1. Reskilling and Upskilling Initiatives

   Acknowledging the seismic shift, forward-thinking organizations are investing in reskilling and upskilling programs. Embracing change and adapting skill sets will be crucial for staying relevant in the ever-evolving job landscape. 

  1. Addressing Bias and Ethical Dilemmas

   As AI takes center stage, addressing biases and ethical concerns becomes paramount. Human oversight is crucial to ensure fairness and prevent unintended consequences. Striking the right balance between autonomy and control is the challenge of the era. 

The Human Touch   

  1. Enhancing Employee Experience

   AI isn’t just about efficiency; it’s about enhancing the employee experience. From AI-driven personalized learning paths to intelligent assistants streamlining workflows, technology is becoming the backbone of a more satisfying work life. 

  1. The Importance of Emotional Intelligence

   Amidst the algorithms and data, the ability to understand and connect with people is irreplaceable. Emotional intelligence is not just a buzzword; it’s a fundamental skill that will distinguish successful professionals in the AI era. 


In conclusion, the future of work is a canvas being painted by both human ingenuity and artificial intelligence. The key lies not in resisting change but in embracing it. The job landscape is evolving, and with it, the definition of success. As we navigate this uncharted territory, let’s remember that the true power lies in our ability to adapt, learn, and collaborate—ultimately, it’s the human touch that will continue to shape the future of work. 

Conversing with Computers: A Human Touch to the Evolution of Natural Language Processing (NLP)

In the vast landscape of artificial intelligence, there’s a story unfolding – one that brings humanity closer to machines through the fascinating journey of Natural Language Processing (NLP). This remarkable field is not just about algorithms and data; it’s about creating a connection where machines not only understand our words but respond with a touch of human-like intuition. 

Unveiling the Heart of NLP 

Natural Language Processing, the wizardry behind making computers comprehend and respond to human language, is like teaching a digital companion to understand us in our most natural form. It’s the bridge that spans the gap between our intricate language and the binary world of machines. 

The Early Chapters: Rule-Based Systems 

Our journey with NLP began with rule-based systems – computer languages, if you will. Explicit rules were coded to guide machines in understanding language. It worked for simple tasks, but the subtleties of human expression proved to be a formidable challenge. 

Turning Points with Machine Learning 

Then came machine learning, a game-changer for NLP. Instead of rigid rules, algorithms were given the opportunity to learn from vast datasets, discerning patterns and relationships within our language. This shift marked a new era for NLP – more accurate and capable of handling the richness of human expression. 

Breaking the Mould with Deep Learning 

Deep learning, especially through neural networks, injected unprecedented capabilities into NLP. Models like recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and transformers became the maestros of language translation, sentiment analysis, and text summarization, unraveling the intricacies of our expressions. 

NLP in Action: Bringing Tech Closer to Us 

Virtual Assistants and Chatbots 

NLP became the magic wand behind virtual assistants and chatbots. Now, they don’t just follow commands; they engage in conversations, understand our queries, and provide information with a human touch. It’s like having a digital companion who speaks our language. 

Sentiment Analysis for Business Insights 

Businesses tapped into the sentiment analysis prowess of NLP to understand how we feel. Customer opinions and feedback, once a labyrinth, became a clear pathway for companies to enhance products and services based on our sentiments.   

Language Translation Beyond Borders 

NLP shattered language barriers, making global communication seamless. State-of-the-art translation models powered by NLP allowed us to communicate effortlessly across linguistic landscapes. 

Challenges and Dreams on the Horizon 

Yet, challenges persist. Bias in language models and grasping context remain hurdles. But fear not, for researchers are diligently working to infuse more ethics and context-awareness into our digital companions. 

The future of NLP is a canvas of possibilities. Ongoing research in contextual embeddings, transfer learning, and multimodal understanding promises an even more profound integration of technology into our lives. 

In conclusion, Natural Language Processing is not just a technological evolution; it’s a journey that humanizes our interaction with machines. From rule-based beginnings to the depths of deep learning, NLP has transformed our digital encounters into something more intuitive, responsive, and uniquely human. 


Deepthi Bennan                                                                Marketing Manager, Cyberwaves B.V

The Evolving Threat Landscape: Reflections on Cybersecurity Month

As Cybersecurity Awareness Month comes to a close, it’s important to reflect on the evolving threat landscape and the ongoing challenges in the world of cybersecurity. Despite our best efforts, cyber threats continue to advance, making it essential for individuals and organizations to adapt and strengthen their defenses. 

  1. Ransomware Attacks on the Rise: In recent years, we’ve witnessed a surge in ransomware attacks. Cybercriminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated, targeting critical infrastructure, healthcare systems, and businesses. Vigilance and robust backup strategies are vital to mitigate the impact of these attacks.
  2. Remote Work and Security Challenges: The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift to remote work, presenting new security challenges. Organizations must prioritize securing remote access, educating employees about phishing threats, and implementing zero-trust security models.
  3. IoT and Smart Devices Vulnerabilities: The proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has introduced new attack vectors. Many smart devices lack proper security measures, making them attractive targets for hackers. Consumers and manufacturers must prioritize IoT security.
  4. Cloud Security: With the widespread adoption of cloud services, securing cloud environments has become paramount. Misconfigured cloud settings and inadequate access controls can lead to data breaches. Regular audits and security assessments are essential.
  5. Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity: Both attackers and defenders are leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in cybersecurity. AI-driven threat detection and response systems are essential for staying ahead of cyber threats.
  6. International Cooperation: Cyber threats are not limited by borders. International cooperation is crucial in combating cybercrime and establishing norms for responsible state behavior in cyberspace.

Cybersecurity is an ongoing battle that requires constant adaptation and vigilance. As we conclude Cybersecurity Awareness Month, let’s not forget that cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility. By staying informed, implementing best practices, and supporting cybersecurity initiatives, we can collectively build a more secure digital future. 


Deepthi Bennan                                                                Marketing Manager, Cyberwaves B.V

Cybersecurity Awareness: Protecting Your Digital Life in Cybersecurity Month

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a time to focus on the ever-increasing importance of safeguarding our digital lives. In today’s interconnected world, cybersecurity isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a necessity. Let’s dive into some key tips to help you fortify your online presence. 

  1. Strong Passwords and Authentication: One of the fundamental aspects of cybersecurity is using strong, unique passwords for all your online accounts. Consider using a reputable password manager to generate and store complex passwords securely. Enable two-factor authentication wherever possible to add an extra layer of security. 
  2. Regular Software Updates: Outdated software can be a vulnerability waiting to be exploited. Make it a habit to regularly update your operating system, applications, and antivirus software. These updates often contain patches for known security vulnerabilities. 
  3.  Phishing Awareness: Be cautious of unsolicited emails or messages. Phishing attacks trick individuals into divulging sensitive information or downloading malicious software. Verify the sender’s identity and avoid clicking on suspicious links. 
  4. Secure Your Wi-Fi Network: Ensure your home Wi-Fi network is password-protected and uses strong encryption. Change default router login credentials and keep your router firmware up to date to prevent unauthorized access. 
  5.  Back Up Your Data: Regularly back up your important data to an external source or cloud storage. In case of a cyberattack, having a recent backup can be a lifesaver, preventing data loss. 
  6.  Cybersecurity Education: Stay informed about the latest cybersecurity threats and best practices. Cybersecurity is an ever-evolving field, and knowledge is your best defense. 
  7.  Privacy Settings: Review and adjust privacy settings on social media platforms and other online services. Limit the amount of personal information you share publicly. 


Cybersecurity Month serves as a reminder that we all play a crucial role in keeping the digital world secure. By following these tips and adopting a proactive approach to online safety, you can better protect yourself from cyber threats. 



Deepthi Bennan                                                                Marketing Manager, Cyberwaves B.V

How do to recover Gmail account?

Dealing with multiple online accounts can be a hassle, and at times, you may forget an important password, such as the one for your Google and Gmail accounts. If this situation arises, the process of recovering your Google and Gmail account is relatively straightforward.  


This guide will outline the steps to follow if you’ve forgotten your password, if you can’t recall your email address, and how to recover an account that you’re completely locked out of. So, there’s no need to worry; we’ll walk you through the process. 

 I forgot my Gmail password, which is a common issue, but the process of recovering it is straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide: 

Step 1: Start by visiting the Google account recovery webpage. You’ll need to input your email address. 

Step 2: Google will then ask you to provide your last known password. If you can’t recall it, click on the “Try another way” link at the bottom. 

Step 3: Google will send a verification code to either the phone number associated with your account or another email address linked to your Gmail account. 

Step 4: You’ll receive a message containing the verification code on your phone or the associated email address. Enter this code in the designated box on the Google account recovery page and click “Next.” 

Step 5: You’ll be presented with a “Welcome Back” screen. From here, you can reset your password by choosing “Update password” or opt to continue to your Google account dashboard, where you can access your Gmail inbox by selecting the Gmail account icon. 

If you find yourself in the challenging situation of forgetting both your Gmail or Google account password and email address, don’t worry; Google provides a process to help you recover your account. Here are the steps: 

Step 1: Start by visiting the Google account recovery help page.

– Navigate to the section labeled “Forgot the email address you use to sign in” and click on the “Follow these steps” blue hyperlink. 

Step 2: Next, provide the phone number or alternate email address you initially set up when creating your Gmail or Google account. Additionally, enter your full name (both first and last names). Google will then send you a verification code to confirm your identity. Enter this code when prompted. 

Step 3: Google will present you with a list of accounts it believes belong to you. Choose your account from the list and follow the on-screen instructions. You’ll have the option to reset your password, as explained in the previous section. 

Step 4: In certain situations, Google may ask you to answer a series of security questions to further verify your identity and recover your account. Provide the correct answers to these questions, and you’ll be able to reset your password. 

Following these steps should help you recover your Google account, even if you’ve forgotten both your password and email address. 

If you’re unable to sign into your Gmail or Google account at all, even after attempting the previously mentioned methods, there’s still hope. Google provides a support page to assist users in such worst-case scenarios. Here’s what you can do: 

Step 1: Start by visiting the “Can’t sign in to your Google Account” page. On this page, you’ll find a list of various issues you may be facing. Choose the one that most closely matches your situation. 

Step 2: Follow the directions provided for the specific issue you selected. These directions may include steps to verify your identity, often through your phone number or by answering security questions. 

If none of the provided solutions work for you, it’s recommended to explore Google’s support page for additional advice and assistance. 

In situations where you’re locked out of your Google account completely, following these steps and seeking help from Google’s support resources should be your best course of action to regain access to your account. 


Deepthi Bennan                                                                Marketing Manager, Cyberwaves B.V